18.12.2016SHTRMXS: XCRETS - EP


Dima about XCRETS (EP) (2016)

Another example of TJs hard defecation – SHTRMXS: XCRETS – EP. Firstly it was randomly put on B-SIDES (2014) Compilation, but now released as Individual release due to new concept – RVSDMMXVI (Re-vised 2016).

Remixes made up after release of SHTRMXS (2013), didn’t quite fit well in original style, and was allocated from other remixes by their detachment. But good example on this EP is URT1 which is sounds like good-old Harcheik, and took us in the times when we just started.

Tracks I Love 8-Bit Racing, RSREKSHN, (My) Church and Tha Foonral off Hats as it appears was made in the same euphoria as Strange Word (Cho). In the beginning it must be one huge track but eventually tracks goes separately.

Also we managed to attract ex-bass player of SadDolls – Miltos on 2 special remixes on covers from first LP – Scared and RPTTHWNGSFBTTRFL. They also migrated from B-SIDES in new EP. Surprisingly remix of RPTTHWNGSFBTTRFL served as a great outro to the last independent release of SHTRMXS.

Design, as well as the name of the EP, ideal dock with the content. Stained toilet paper from the hypermarket and dirty calligraphy exactly convey the atmosphere of release.

P.S. Owners of CD-Version is waiting for extra hidden track.

© 2012-2016 HIM PROJECT & TJ Production. All rights re-re-reserved.

   Added by: super sheldon 18-12-2016, 13:12 1615